Ram Dass touched so many lives. Here, you can let us know how much you loved him or how he influenced your life.
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He changed the world: he made it a better place.

One of my fondest memories of Ram Dass was when my ex-wife and I traveled to San Rafael to the Hanuman library. We had come to donate our time. We ended up stringing malas, and who should show up but Ram Dass, a beautiful man and a wonderful teacher.

I rediscovered Ram Dass a few years ago when my son recommended one of the docs about him. It was like rain on parched earth. Now his photo sits on my "puja" table and I speak to him with my heart every day. I'm a Christian with a Ram Dass twist.

I first discovered Ram Dass through Catto's "Becoming Nobody"; it began a profound transformation in my life. Since then, I continue to study Ram Dass' teachings and I feel a genuine connection to his spirit. What a beautiful soul - so grateful!

Ram Dass has become an inspiration to me and my life. He is amazing!

Ram Dass facilitated me to understand the nature of consciousness and the divine nature of the universe of which I am a manifestation. His teachings reassured me about death. I am forever indebted to him.

His stillness, still speaks. <3

In a radio interview, I asked him how he dealt with people on the street asking for money. "It's impossible to rationally decide Yes or No. More important than how many Yeses, is to always say No with a truly open heart, and to see God in them."

I’m delighted to be connecting to Being Ram Dass communities.

Through tears of gratitude I write this. I heard of Ram Dass when a friend suggested his "Loving Awareness" meditation. We did this and I caught a glimpse of what was behind my heart veil. My feet fell onto this new path and joy is here. Thank you Ram Dass

I had my first LSD session with Dick Alpert (later Baba Ram Dass) at Castalia in Millbrook N.Y. under the supervision of Michael Hollingshead. Two super smart guys changed my life. :):)

It doesn't feel right to call Ram Dass my guru because I know that he didn't see himself as such & I respect that. He is, however, the greatest teacher I've ever known of heart. Returning to him is returning home to my highest Self. He is h(om)e!

Ram Dass was/is one of the greatest teachers of our time and a great mentor to me. I had the honor of being with him in his home in Maui when we recorded a webcast together on surrender. RD was/is the embodiment of love.

Ram Dass was introduced to me by the mind and heart of Duncan Trussell. 2020 broke me down to the bottom, but after reading and listening to Ram Dass’s lectures, it saved me, it woke me up. Now I understand. ❤️

Spent my rainy lunch hours in the basement of Duthie's Books, Hornby & Robson, Vancouver back in the early 70s. There I found the book, The Only Dance There Is. Read it. Highlights, underscores, cover falling off. Still dear to my heart.

He always gave me inspiration to keep learning more about life.

Finding Ram Dass’ Be Here Now on a shelf in a used bookstore blew my world wide open and resonated with something deep inside of me. I’m eternally grateful for the path he walked and the light he shined on it for us to follow. 🙏🏼

Baba Ram Dass served to help me recognize what it means to live from love and compassion. His love is contagious. Thank you Rama Dass for being you.

I’m eternally grateful for Ram Dass. Every day and in every way his love and his life is a model of what can be. A heart full of compassion and awareness. His grace and humanness is an eternal gift. Ram Ram.

Ram Dass had a profound effect on my life, as one of the key people who developed the Omega Institute, in Rhinebeck, NY. I live 45 mins away, and have had wonderful teachings from the world class ever-changing faculty, as well as from fellow seekers.

Ram Ram, I met Ram Dass 1 year after donating $108 in 2017 and received a miracle of meeting him through an one-hour conversation on Skype. I am loving awareness and know he never let go of my hand, ever. Ram Ram, my heart remains warm by his love.

Although I have never had the honour to meet Ram Dass he has been such an incredible influence on life. “Treat everyone you meet like God in drag.”

Often I notice that I reference my life prior to meeting Ram Dass in 1979, and since. Nothing is the same, and I am invited daily to go deeper into my unguarded heart. That is where we hang out.

Grateful to have discovered Ram Dass, first through Be Here Now and later through the Podcast. Simple and graspable work for my complex and grasping mind yearning simplicity, freedom and release. Peace!

Solo quiero saber porque mi vida cambió tanto, era muy bendecida por todos lados a los 26 años me cambió la vida.

I found Ram Dass about 3 wks after he passed in Jan 2020. I had heard of his teachings before then, but did not feel drawn to them earlier. I have now listened to almost every podcast and feel that my perspective has been freed forever. Thank you Ram Dass.

I was blessed to meet RD at the Maui Retreat in 2012. The things that still bring so much joy to my heart are when he gave me my mala, when he swam with a group of us in the ocean, and the last time I saw him, blowing him a kiss goodbye and him smiling.

I was slacking off on daily practices and feeling ashamed, RD came to me in a dream. He sat down with me and placed his forehead against mine smiling for 3 minutes. In those moments all I felt was pure love and surrender. He reminded me of who I really am.

We discovered Ram Dass's teachings in the beginning of 2020 through Duncan Trussel's Midnight Gospel show. It was such an opening for us. In the midst of all the uncertainty brought by the pandemic, his words were a powerful guide and source of inspiration.

Ram Dass has profoundly touched my life in many ways. I could give a dissertation, if I was allowed, but in short, I have learned how to love, be kind, and have compassion. Ram Dass is Love, I am Love, Be Love! Thank you, Ram Dass!

Your Dance of Light has beamed across my sleep // Pried its airy fingers under shadowed heavy lids and twinkled // Peek a Boo, the Day is here.... // A poem about Awakening I wrote for RD years ago. // De Profundis I awoke to learn that this life is our classroom.

Love and peace.

Ram Dass was such a beautiful incarnation. He is like a paternal figure to me and has helped me grow more than I ever imagined. I love him with all of my soul!

Thank you. You came to light the world and you opened yourself for it to pour out as love. Sat, sat, sat. Thank you.

Here and Now Ram Dass loves me. Even though we have not met on this plane we meet in a somewhere else to share this love. It is this love that has awakened the true self and has shown me how to love, serve and remember.

My 1st talk (early 70s), with other skeptics, left us all happily chanting back to our cars. Early 90s, with tears of joy streaming, he gave us small strings cut from his Guru's blanket sending many of us into a wondrous state of being. So much joy!

I had a dream I was in the hospital. I was horrified until I looked over and saw an old woman lying in the bed next to me. We looked down at our IVs and began to laugh, and as we laughed, her face changed to RD's. His hospital bracelet read only, Ram.

After 40 years of growing with him, learning from him; in my life, Ram Dass lives on. Just the way Neem Karoli Baba lived on in his life. "Where could he go?" His life is his legacy. I celebrate his life with love and appreciation.

I went to see him back in the 70's in Eugene, Oregon. Started my spiritual quest that day which continues today.

Today I celebrated a milestone Solstice birthday. I feel a special connection to Ram Dass during this time of year. Thank you for helping me stay sane, engaged and mystified- especially this year! Much love.

Ram Dass is my friend, my guru, my guide. He leads me to a place of embracing calm through his teachings and as I practice, I feel supported by his presence. I am so thankful to know him!

Ram Dass has changed my life by making me take things in life less seriously. I feel that he has made my heart more tender. I now try to treat life and the events in it as part of a wonderful dance.

Ram Dass rekindled my love for all there is, including myself. I feel more connected and belonging to my universe. He is not only someone I listen to, he is my father, my mother, my siblings, he is my entire world. He reminds me of who we really are.

I met Richard Alpert 55 years ago at a symposium in Berkeley. Thereafter, I heeded the "call": "travel to the 'glamour' of India/Nepal." Ram Dass is with me. He is my "Apostle Paul," constantly speaking of the One and Its Earthly incarnations (e.g. Maharaji).

He has taught me that life has meaning. He is a living proof that God loves us and that we are all part of that same being. He's shown me Truth through his words and teachings. He opened doors for many of us who truely wanted to connect with living Spirit.

I was 17 - 1972 - in a bookstore, broke. This blue book had a light coming out of it so I stole it. NOT my usual behavior. Be Here Now - devoured every page as it devoured me - my world was never the same. Namaste

Ram Dass illuminated the path I was so desperately looking to find. He walked and continues to walk with me, hand in hand, as I learn how to unlearn & unbecome who I thought I was. He helped me realize we are all Love. I am so grateful. Beyond words.

Is this a good place to ask if there are any Ram Dass organizations/ groups that get together in my area? I've attempted to reach out on facebook with no luck. Thank you.

I had an extremely intense spiritual experience 12/22/19. The mystery it opened up led me to discover it occurred on the day Ram Dass passed into the next plane of existence. I have since been opened to exploring many amazing things learning about his life.

After losing my 24 year old brother to a drug overdose, Ram Dass and his teachings held me like nothing else could & guided me every step along the way of my grieving journey. His legacy of love has left an imprint on the hearts of so many.

I learnt about R.D. from an East Forest song, A Miracle. I was intrigued. I looked him up. His honesty was refreshing and the stories about Maharaj-ji warmed my heart. He is now with me always. He sits on my shrine and in my heart. Listen to him on repeat.

I struggle, then I come to these teachings. Then I struggle some more, then back to these teachings. What I've noticed is each time I stray, I'm not straying as far. And each time I come back, it feels a little more like home. Thank You!

Waking up was becoming too hard. When I felt I was done being here I watched Ram Dass Going Home. My heart literally opened. I have now been able to create, see, and be in my power. I understand I am the Universe. I am changing this Earth from within Now.

Baba Ram Dass and his book ‘Be Here Now’ was the vehicle that rocked my world with Grace. At 22, he brought Maharajji’s presence and Grace and started a process of awakening on the path of Love and devotion. His words and life have ever inspired. RamRam

He changed my view on life - Love, Serve and Remember. I have lost count of the number of times I have watched or simply listened to the short film "Going Home." Ram Ram.

Since being on Rabbit Creek, Alaska, 1973, and being transfixed at Be Here Now, I have considered Ram Dass my guru. His voice is an old friend bringing me back to awareness.

Ram Dass' teaching help me get out of my ego and into unconditional love. Also, he's helped me process my anger and connect to Source. Love you, Baba Ram Dass!!!

My wife & I were driving the back roads of New Mexico in the mid-1990s, recalling Ram Dass teachings and chatting with some skepticism about his Maharaji stories. We pulled into a steakhouse in the outskirts of Santa Fe for lunch. Ram Dass walked in.

Pure Love

His wisdom and love has been a model for living and loving. Mahavirdas

Ram Dass gave me the permission to f*ck up. He gave me the permission to create and live my own practice—just return to the breath. He gave me the permission to be me, love me, love as much and many as I can. He gave me the permission to stop seeking permission.

Many years ago, a friend showed me a video of Ram Dass teaching. He made me laugh. He inspired me to meditate for the first time. I bought a copy of Be Here Now, and it changed my life. I can't wait to read his memoir - what a beautiful soul!

I am loving awareness. Sri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram Love Everyone, Serve Everyone, Remember God and Tell the Truth. Om Namo Gurudev Baba Ram Dass Namaha Om Namo Gurudev Neem Karoli Baba Namaha Ram Ram

I LOVE RAM DASS! His teachings are such a balm for my soul, especially in today's turbulent world. I cannot wait to read his memoir.

Ram Dass literally changed my life. About 5 years ago, I stumbled across the Be Here Now podcast. My worldview, attitude and spiritual journey will never be the same. He put me on the path...

I used to have a very rich daily practice. A few years ago I strayed off that path, but being exposed to Ram Dass' teachings helped me find my way onto a new one. A true Upa Guru.

I spent the last 4 months every day listening to all Be Here Now podcasts thanks to Raghu Markus. I am so absorbed by the podcast and finally managed to catch up - thank you.

In 1974 someone gave me a box of Ram Dass cassettes. I listened to every one over and over. I started going to his retreats and have listened to his tapes ever since. He changed my life.

I read Be Here Now in college in 1973; became a vegetarian, started meditation and yoga ... and continue being led on an amazing journey every day. Thank you, Baba Ram Das and Neem Karoli Baba, and my Jain guru Chitrabhanu.

Thank you Rameshwar Das, for bringing this book into being and illuminating the life of Ram Dass, in order to inspire others to follow the path of service and loving presence.

I broke away from generational patterns and stigmas. I found a deeper meaning of my life that my family in this lifetime would not understand. I have a positive outlook on death; I feel safe where I am going.

I first heard "Here We All Are" in the mid 70s on LPs. Ram Dass' talks reassured and guided me for many years. I had the blessing of meeting him for the first time at what turned out to be his last retreat (in body). Love, Serve, Remember.

I read Be Here Now when it was first published and it altered my life so profoundly that the reverbs are still hitting me with sounds of liberation. I'm 74.

My mother was a follower of Richard Alpert and Timothy Leary. She and Ram Dass had an enduring sporadic friendship. Ram Dass uniquely made eastern mysticism understandable, accessible and attractive for us westerners.

The first time I listened to Ram Dass, a space within me become present that knew what he was saying without knowing I knew it. His contributions to this world started me on my path to freedom and enlightenment in this lifetime. I will forever be grateful.

I love you Baba! Om Namoh Gurudev Baba Neem Karoli! Jai Hanuman! Jai Baba Ram Dass! Your teachings and love are the light illuminating my path home, to the space where we are all one.

A colleague said one day “there’s someone speaking tonight you’d like to hear.” I went and my life changed forever. When years later I visited his library at Omega I could still feel his amazing presence.

I have seen Ram Dass as one of my teachers since the 70's. I have listened to his tapes and have heard him speak 3's. His energy always grounded and centered me ... may we carry his spirit forward ... his footprints are on my heart ... may he rest in peace.

Ram Dass has been a very wise older brother to so many of us from the '60's, explaining the way in such eloquent and clear terms. His Grace was always passed down with no pretense. He is deeply missed, yet surely held infinite Love.

From the time that I read the first of his books, I was an instant follower of Ram Dass. His wisdom, accumulated over many years and many experiences, hit a note of realness with me. It touched me in my heart! I have gone on to read many of his books!

I met RD through Eckhart Tolle. He became the light to help me join the world in presence, using mantra and kirtan. My heart is starting to shine with loving awareness for self and others. I keep starting again in loving kindness. I love you Ram Dass.

At a time when I was holding on he reminded me it was perfectly fine to let go.

My life is infinitely more interesting and simultaneously less “mine” and much more simply “life,” as a result of the blessings of the teachings Ram Dass shared so eloquently. He has also opened my heart to a richer and fuller capacity to love and be loved.

Ram Dass has guided me faithfully on the journey of awakening by sharing his truth and compassion for how it all is. I feel like he has laid out the territory and providing insight to what I am experiencing as the journey unfolds. I am eternally grateful!

Up until my late 20s I was saddled with shame that poisoned my life. Through an amazing process of Grace, I became connected with Ram Dass and on Jan 17, 1978. I told him all my secrets and left the room a free man.

The idea that of myself as a separate ego was an allusion that it’s a participatory universe and I am part of that I guess, that’s generally what I got and humor.

Not only does the vibration of the room change when he is present, but your entire world changes when he gazes into your eyes, as if you are the only soul on the planet.

For many years Ram Dass has been an incredible guide, teacher and companion through my own process of awakening. When this process began I had no idea what was happening and where this journey was leading and I welcome his continued guidance.

In a world where I thought I needed to have this or change that in exchange for a sense of worthiness, I found Ram Dass and life opened up to me. I am forever grateful for the teachings of Ram Dass and for his unconditional and infectious love. Ram Ram 🙏

Truly inspiring. I read "Be Here Now" in about 1970. I Loved this book. After reading it I continued to use it, opening it randomly everyday, for inspiration. Then Ram Das came to Australia and spoke to small groups, I went and enjoyed.


I was listening to something else on YouTube as I was going to sleep and YouTube (or someone lol) decided to play some Ram Dass. I now cannot get enough and listen every day. This has all been since he passed.

Ram Dass spoke to caring for a loved one in a way that I profoundly needed, and started me down a path that has been essential for resilience and joy. Always with me as I continue to work on embracing this passing show with gratitude and loving awareness.

The impact of Ram Dass’s Soul, which I have come to be aware is the source of Soul w/in myself, can be best summed up as transformative. Working with him only after he had left his body, Love Awareness has guided my awakening

No words can express my appreciation and gratitude for Ram Dass. He is to me Love, Acceptance, Forgiveness and Joy.

I've always felt RD to be one of my teachers. He showed me a path I might travel and develop on. Lucky to have met him in the flesh a couple of times. Felt he was 'Real'. Ever since have read, taken workshops, watched his videos. Loving Awareness/

Ram Dass changed my life by challenging me, through his lectures, to identify with awareness over form.

My parents loved Ram Dass and introduced me to him when I was a kid. He is such a funny, loving soul and I'm grateful to him for helping me see what it's like to live more with love and less with ego.

Ram Dass taught me to prioritize keeping my heart and mind open and to remember to try to see the divine in everyone and everything.

Thank you for showing us how to love, to serve, and to always remember Ram Ram

Ram Dass was (and still is) a bright & powerful LIGHT in this world. He showed me a better way to look at and be with EVERYTHING. LOVE is where it's at. Thank you, Ram!!

The extent to which I am able to see myself and others as souls and, thus, to love myself and others more deeply is all because of Ram Dass.

He showed us the beauty of learning, of vulnerability, and love. Forever grateful that he was willing to open himself up to the world in a loving way, to teach us that growth and evolution, requires work, humility, and braveness.

I never had the pleasure of meeting Ram Dass, but his inspiring way he lived his life and how he taught others to be present in the moment with loving awareness has touched me on a soul level.

I first heard RD on the radio in the 90’s. I was a die-hard rationalist-atheist, but he revealed the very real wisdom and power of divine love (which I had considered "new age cr*p")—and sparked a shift in me that continues today. Thank you, Ram Dass!

Ram Dass has made my entire lifepath possible by forging the way: bringing the East to the West, elevating the understanding of consciousness to a university research topic, breaking ground with Be Here Now. I feel tender and grateful. Thank you, Ram Dass.

Ram Dass allowed me to realize that by living with such a simple purpose to love, serve, and remember, I could radically change my own path and help to bring about a more loving, radical future for others. I miss him dearly.

As I watched a live interview with Ram Dass just a few years ago, the kindness, love and mischievousness that emanated from his responses to the questions, and the silences in between, opened my heart in a way that it hadn't been before - or since. <3

Be Here Now was my introduction to a form of spirituality that made sense to me. I'll forever be grateful to Ram Dass for his guiding wisdom!

Ram Dass' teachings are very accessible and at the same time profound. Each time I revisit them I get more and more out of them.

Such a simple concept, "We're all just walking each other home," has fundamentally changed the way I love others.

Ram Dass changed the way I understand LOVE.